In 2005 - we started a new clover plot in the fall. This was a 2004 Soybean plot - that was left fallow then sprayed in June 2005. The plot was over seeded and rolled in with clover in July 2005.

The Clover grew - though it was thin in September of 2005. The deer used it some - but we know it could have been a better planting, and that we would need to re-seed in the spring.
On April 9th Spring 2006, it was indeed very thin after the initial smowmelt - we expanded the plot and frost seeded more White clovers in April, then rolled the plot. We also put down 200 lbs/acre of 15-15-15 Fertilizer. Normally we do not put down any Nitrogen with a clover planting - but this plot needed a Jump Start. After expansion - the Plot ended up being about 2 acres.

This is how the plot looked on July 30th a week after its after its second mowing of the year - obvoisly it is coming in decent - responding wellt o mowing as well as the fertilizer. Still some Ragweed, Daisy, and some grasses - but overall the clover is dominating.
The last mowing of 2006 - The plot is now ready for Hunting Season: